She’ll be comin’ around the mountain when she comes…
Grandma Vicki made the investment to come out to visit in Taiwan and we had a great time from start to finish…
Grandma Vicki made the investment to come out to visit in Taiwan and we had a great time from start to finish…
Maliah has been saying some funny one-liners lately as she pushes the edges of her vocabulary. I need to start writing them down somewhere, and figure there is no better place than here.
Her latest installments are:
“Dad, my underwear feel shaggy” - I think this meant that she had a wedgie, because she did.
“My shirt is all crashed up in here” - her long sleeve t-shirt’s sleeves were scrunched up under her long sleeve pull over after putting it on.
“Does this place have garfields to save the kids from drowning?” - lifegaurds at the hotsprings
“When Malachi swims, he does the struggle” - “the struggle” as in “the doggy paddle”
“There’s this creepy soft thing that’s inside my mouth on the side of my cheek” - she had bit her cheek and a peice of skin was hanging off inside her mouth
To me, what makes all of these so great is the thought connections she had to make to describe them. I’m pretty sure, for example, that she held the belief that Garfield the cat’s profession was lifegaurding.
I was a little hesitant to post this as it may fall under “the father who is overly fixated on his childrens’ slightest mannerisms,” but I figured if I don’t put it here, I’ll never remember them for posterity either…
Quick post so I can get a couple of neat pics of the fam up before I forget about them.
As a side note (and to explain the title), lately Maliah is infatuated with Lions - she is always in my office asking me to google new pictures of lions and tigers. She especially is fascinated by the pictures of them eating wildebeast or zebras. Malachi, on the otherhand, is very much into swords and lightsabers. He takes it pretty seriously and recently purchased a wooden sword while in Sanyi (a mountain village known for its woodcarving) with his _own_ money (I think it cost about 30% of his life savings). Also, I think he knows all of the types of toy light sabers on the market and is very satisfied with his current lightsaber that has none of the electronic bells and whistles at all - the feature that drew his attention? It fully retracts into the hilt of the light saber with absolutely nothing sticking out (most have a small ridge or one section of the saber still sticking out).
Anyways, on to some pics (click “Read the rest of this entry…” to see the rest of the post)…
Lana has been working away with Malachi on homeschool, and he tracks progress very closely (e.g. he knows he is 77% complete with Language Arts, but only 34% complete with Math for the year). Because of all of the activity surrounding school for Malachi, Maliah wanted in on the action. So Lana starting working with her, as a supplement to Chinese preschool, going over things like reading the alphabet, numbers, etc…
One of the things Lana went over with her recently were rhyming words - like “sky / why.” However, Maliah didn’t really get it, and after a few examples, they called it a day. A while later, Maliah came running back into the room where Lana was, and said “Mom, mom, I get it! Train - brain - they both start with the same number!”.
Anyways, the second level of indirection struck me funny and I thought others may get a kick out of it too…