
She’ll be comin’ around the mountain when she comes…

Posted in General, Kids at 12:26 am by hansr

Grandma Vicki made the investment to come out to visit in Taiwan and we had a great time from start to finish…


From trips down south and discovering the most unique menu to-date in Taiwan…


To trips up north to the coast…

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and just staying inside and finding something to do when it rained…

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we had a great time - and hope for a repeat in the near future!



  1. gma vicki said,

    September 29, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    hey wonderful ones (Hans, Lana, Malachi and Maliah)

    Fun to to see the pics from last february. I love to go back and check out the youtube of the robots… that was so much fun!! Hans, Kai and Liah did an awesome team effort - creative and exciting. could you post the youtube link on forsojourners to easily check them out again from time to time?

    thinking much and praying for you each…..luv, mom, gma, sis

    i am checking out the flights to taiwan and china already.

  2. brechthild karpenko-kunst said,

    September 30, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    hi Hans,I see you and your family are doing great things!By the way, you remember me, brecky from Holland? I allways remembered you as Aslan the great lion[you were six years old] haha, So how are you,your wife and children doing? greetings from brechthild

  3. hansr said,

    November 24, 2008 at 3:26 am

    Hey Brechthild! Good to hear from you, and of course I remember you :-). We are all doing well and you are a part of the many stories my kids ask me to tell them about “when I was little.”

    If you are ever in Taiwan or Asia, come visit!