
Maliah is to Lions as Malachi is to Lightsabers

Posted in Asia, Kids at 2:26 pm by hansr

Quick post so I can get a couple of neat pics of the fam up before I forget about them.

As a side note (and to explain the title), lately Maliah is infatuated with Lions - she is always in my office asking me to google new pictures of lions and tigers. She especially is fascinated by the pictures of them eating wildebeast or zebras. Malachi, on the otherhand, is very much into swords and lightsabers. He takes it pretty seriously and recently purchased a wooden sword while in Sanyi (a mountain village known for its woodcarving) with his _own_ money (I think it cost about 30% of his life savings). Also, I think he knows all of the types of toy light sabers on the market and is very satisfied with his current lightsaber that has none of the electronic bells and whistles at all - the feature that drew his attention? It fully retracts into the hilt of the light saber with absolutely nothing sticking out (most have a small ridge or one section of the saber still sticking out).

Anyways, on to some pics (click “Read the rest of this entry…” to see the rest of the post)…

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