Micro hydro initial thoughts
I’ve been thinking about micro hydro lately - mostly because the stream is running fast at “the land” and the sky is always overcast. Many of the web resources on micro hydro are either “pay us to install a micro hydro system for you” or are about large-scale micro-hydro systems (village size) or use surplus parts for projects that are out of date. Why hasn’t anyone created a simple 2″ or 4″ pipe coupled unit that will just hook up to whatever resevoir/head is available and generate some type of power. Something plug and play that will generate an amp or two if configured properly.
hansr said,
January 7, 2007 at 12:46 pm
Ari commented: http://www.powerpal.com/
hansr said,
January 7, 2007 at 12:47 pm
I emailed them and they got back to me with a price list etc… Looks like a 500W low head turbin runs about $400, and a 1000W low head turbine runs about $795. They ship to anywhere in the US direct from their factory in Hanoi Vietnam.