
Updated Blog Engine

Posted in Blogroll, General at 5:50 am by hansr

We’ve updated to a newer version of the software that runs this blog. If anything seems that it is not working correctly, please let us know…



  1. Emi Higashiyamatamawaguchimakotomoinoue said,

    September 27, 2007 at 12:43 pm

    For a long time now, your homepage has double pictures of everything.
    Or maybe my computer’s been having a whack attack this whole time.

  2. Luke Hanes said,

    October 16, 2007 at 3:23 pm

    Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re my heroes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you out of the temporary apartment and into the “real” one? Or are you still living out of suitcases? Sure hope things are going well.

  3. hansr said,

    February 27, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Wow, its been a while! Time to start getting some posts back up here. I just tweaked the html on the front page to get rid of the MS word xml items that were, funny enough, creating artifacts in MS IE but not in Firefox.

    Also, we are indeed out of our temp. apartment and into an apartment that has exceeded anything we could have hoped for here in Taipei. And, almost, but not quite out of the suitcases!